New world server transfer
New world server transfer

new world server transfer

Unlike WoW, New World already lets you change factions every 120 days so there’s no separate faction change service needed.

  • There’s no faction changing in the process.
  • The Marauders might have had Monarch’s Bluffs on your old world, but The Syndicate might control it on your new one. Keep in mind that the territories will likely be in different hands on your new world.
  • Your keep your faction and any standing (Reputation) as well as all your faction tokens.
  • Your in-progress Town Project quests. You can start the Town Project quest on your old world, but finish it and turn it in on you new world.
  • Unlike World of Warcraft, there doesn’t appear to be any limit on the amount of currency or items you can transfer with you.
  • All your currency (gold), all your inventory, and storage (Bank).
  • All of your stuff comes with you! Here are the details:.
  • The token doesn’t have an expiration date and will stay on your account until used.
  • Click Confirm and your character should transfer to your new home world.
  • If you meet all the requirements (see below), the Confirm button will light up.
  • Select the world you want to transfer to.
  • Each world shows how many friends you have playing there, its estimated queue time, how many players are currently in the queue, and its overall population.
  • You’ll get a popup window that shows the worlds (servers) in your region.
  • new world server transfer

    Once you purchase the token, the game thinks you must want to use it.You have to click Purchase even though the token is free. Confusingly, you’ll also see a purchase button.You’ll see details about what the token is for.


    Click on the free transfer token on the tab.You’ll see a new tab called the World Transfer tab. Once logged in, access the in-game store.This means you have to make it through a login queue if it exists on your world. To start the transfer process, you must be logged into the game.Here’s what you need to know about transferring your character as soon as transfers are available. New World has integrated the character transfer function into the game, and it should be simple to do once Amazon flips the switch and makes the feature live. So how will transfers work? Every New World player will receive a single transfer token which be used to transfer a single character to another world (realm). One solution was to roll your character on a lower population server with the promise that you’d be able to transfer your character to a different server in the future. New World’s launch exceeded even the most optimistic estimates of the developers, which unfortunately led to problematic queue times.


    With the release of Patch 1.0.3, the character transfer service is now live. Once New World has resolved the issue, they plan to turn the transfer service back on. This means you can’t transfer any characters right now. The transfer service is paused while their engineers work on a fix. They did a quick fix on some, but it kept happening with new transfers. New World discovered an issue with some characters after they were transferred. update: The transfer service has been paused! Update: The transfer service is once again available!

    New world server transfer