Announced in 2019 as the successor to the PlayStation 4, it is scheduled to launch on Novemin North America, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and South Korea, and on Novemfor the rest of the world. The PlayStation 5 (PS5) is an upcoming home video game console developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Please note comments are moderated before publication. Got a comment? Leave your thoughts in the comments section, below. – Devil May Cry Composer is writing music for Lost Soul Aside

– China Hero Project Yang Bing Interview – Lost Soul Aside 18 Minute Gameplay Trailer Lost Souls Aside is coming to PS4, PS5, and PC… sometime… eventually. A new gameplay trailer just dropped on the developer’s YouTube channel earlier this week reigniting interest in the game. The game was revealed in 2016 but updates on its development progress have been dead quiet for the last two years until now. In our continued effort to keep you informed about the latest and greatest upcoming video games – today we’re sharing everything we know about this incredibly ambitious indie game. Lost Souls Aside looks to be a healthy combination of RPG fantasy worlds from games like Final Fantasy XV and the high octane action of games like Devil May Cry and Ninja Gaiden. Thanks to ExpressVPN for sponsoring our channel I’ll try to not let you down though I’m just a normal developer. Everyone of you is my honor.Inside Gaming published this video item, entitled “Lost Soul Aside Explained” – below is their description. When I got the plan ready I will turn to you for your help,really moved by you and everyone who encouraged me and comforted my stress,just thank you everyone. “So many kind guys from all over the world and all different areas.i have no words but thank you friends.

He replied on his Facebook page and said that he’s still trying to come up with a viable plan for the game, which means that Kickstarter is not completely out of the question.

After he posted the gameplay video, Bing Yang received numerous positive comments, and many people encouraged him to create a Kickstarter page for Lost Soul Aside. The combat definitely looks polished, but it’s worth noting that the project is still a prototype at this point, and there’s no guarantee that its creator will actually finish it anytime soon. Some of you might notice certain similarities between this game and FFXV, and that’s because the developer used Square Enix’s title as a source of inspiration. For character voicing, Yang hired an American professional who voiced all of the game’s four characters by himself, and judging from the gameplay trailer that was recently posted on YouTube, he definitely did a decent job. However, it’s not often that I get to see a game made by a single person, especially not one that actually looks good. Dubbed Lost Soul Aside, this game was created by an individual developer named Bing Yang, and it runs on Unreal Engine 4. I’ve seen my fair share of indie games, and many of them are quite impressive even though they were put together by relatively small teams.